When you leave school and take on the world, you will discover nothing in your education has prepared you for what is next. Maybe you already have!

I’ve been there and I want you to learn from my experience as well as over twenty outstanding professionals. I’ve gathered our insights in one practical manual designed to show you how you can take charge of your career.

Learn the three keys to better communication and the four rules of great service, along with so much more to turn you from nobody to susperstar. Tips that schools do not teach and ideas to guide you through your entire career.

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Take Charge: The Skills That Drive Professional Success with Norman Bacal
The Mark Bishop Show speaks with Norman Bacal Author
Take Charge: The Skills That Drive Professional Success with Norman Bacal
Interview of Norman Bacal about his new book Take Charge

“Whether you are in college or just starting your career, this book is a roadmap to turbo charge your career.” 

Bill Carmody, TEDx Storyteller, Executive Coach and Bestselling Author of The Three Rules of Marriage

“A thought-provoking, practical and insightful book loaded with ‘nuggets of gold’ to power your career forward.”

Barry Beloff, President, Inspiratum Executive Coaching

“Advice and insights on the dynamics of practice that should be part and parcel of a professional education.”

Justice Lorne Sossin, former Dean, Osgoode Hall Law School

“In today’s world of ever-increasing difficulty in finding a career path, Norm’s wisdom brings calm to the storm of uncertainty and provides incredible insight into navigating the water. This is exactly the book and advice I wish had when first starting out.”

Wayne Levin, former Chief Strategic Officer, Lionsgate

“An essential guide to a career in the law industry.

The Columbia Review of Books